Sunday 30 November 2008

Compiling a series

The other week we were given a Seminar by Stuart Whipps on sequencing and making a series of photographs. It was really useful and perhaps essential for us now in third year as we are about to leave and we will be attempting to make money from our photographs.

Although a lot of what he told us obvious things, it was actually some things that I have tended to overlook in the past. I've decided to think about it again and look at his images due to the current competition brief, as they go hand in hand.

I really like this series of work of his titled 'Aladdin Houses', which are photos about houses built cheap and quickly for workers in Austin Village.

They are obviously a series simply from the way that they look. The framing is identical in all of them, keeping the roofs of the houses the same distance from the top of the frame in every image, making them sit in the same place every time. This is useful as it leads the viewer from image to image nice and easily and coherently. The colours are also very similar in each shot, which allows a viewer to identify that the image belongs to a particular series.

To have had that seminar and to look at these images has been very useful and in doubt will help me to shoot for my series in the D and AD competition. I just need to remember while shooting what I want from the image and what I need to keep the same about them all.

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