Sunday 26 October 2008

Moments in time...

Considering the idea that Vermeer's paintings simply capture a moment in time, showing the beauty of it, I feel the work of fashion photographer Tim Walker really compliments this idea.

"His images capture a sublime moment in time"
How true that is, the images are beautiful and really have a sense of epic drama to them, they simply exist just to show that.

These photographs are clearly set up and fictitious, but they are done so to great effect, and although in some respects they are over dramatic I really like that. What makes the images interesting for me is the context surrounding them, what is actually going on there? All we as an audience get is a singe frame of a scene, a single frame of some amazing and dramatic going on, and that I think makes a superb image.

It could be really interesting to experiment with this idea of 'capturing a moment in time', perhaps a sublime moment. I could set up a scene and leave the narrative open for the viewer to decipher.

1 comment:

Edie said...

Amazing photoshoot!