Sunday 12 October 2008


I've decided to experiment and shoot images to do with peephole and voyeurism. I want to intrude on people's personal and private spaces, looking in on them at time when they think they're alone. Of course this will be set up and fictional, but I want to try and make it as realistic as possible, by having my camera at all times to shoot when people are least expecting it.

It is important that I plan my shoots for the brief so that I know exactly what I'm doing when the time comes. These are just the drawings for my ideas that I have uploaded, and they show how I've thought about using an actual keyhole for my peephole, but then decided that it would be too tricky and I couldn't get to all the places I wanted due to keyholes being on doors!

The drawings above show a couple of ideas that I've got for shots; someone lying is bed and a couple kissing. I want to use a piece of black card around the camera lens to create the effect of a peephole.

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